Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf
Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' title='Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' />Abhinavagupta Wikipedia. Abhinavagupta c. AD12 was a philosopher, mystic and aesthetician from Kashmir. He was also considered an influential musician, poet, dramatist, exegete, theologian, and logician45 a polymathic personality who exercised strong influences on Indian culture. He was born in Kashmir8 in a family of scholars and mystics and studied all the schools of philosophy and art of his time under the guidance of as many as fifteen or more teachers and gurus. In his long life he completed over 3. Tantrloka, an encyclopaedic treatise on all the philosophical and practical aspects of Trika and Kaula known today as Kashmir Shaivism. ALL ABOUT HINDUISM is intended to meet the needs of those who want to be introduced to the various facets of the crystal that is Hinduism. Great Jyotish guru Shri Sanjay Rath from India. Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' title='Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' />Another one of his very important contributions was in the field of philosophy of aesthetics with his famous Abhinavabhrat commentary of Nyastra of Bharata Muni. Abhinavaguptas thought was strongly influenced by Buddhist logic. Abhinavagupta was not his real name, rather a title he earned from his master, carrying a meaning of competence and authoritativeness. Tantra Sanskrit literally loom, weave, system denotes the esoteric traditions of Hinduism and Buddhism that codeveloped most likely about. Abhinavagupta c. 950 1016 AD was a philosopher, mystic and aesthetician from Kashmir. He was also considered an influential musician, poet, dramatist, exegete. In his analysis, Jayaratha 1. AD1. 4 who was Abhinavaguptas most important commentator also reveals three more meanings being ever vigilant, being present everywhere and protected by praises. Raniero Gnoli, the only Sanskrit scholar who completed a translation of Tantrloka in a European language, mentions that Abhinava also means new,1. From Jayaratha, we learn that Abhinavagupta was in possession of all the six qualities required for the recipients of the tremendous level of aktipta, as described in the sacred texts rprvastra 1. God, realisation of mantras, control over objective principles referring to the 3. Abhinavaguptas creation is well equilibrated between the branches of the triad Trika will icch, knowledge jna, action kriy his works also include devotional songs, academicalphilosophical works1. As an author he is considered a systematiser of the philosophical thought. Zhkq4.png' alt='Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' title='Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' />He reconstructed, rationalised and orchestrated the philosophical knowledge into a more coherent form,2. Indology. Various contemporary scholars have characterised Abhinavagupta as a brilliant scholar and saint,2. Kasmir aivism2. Social background, family and discipleseditMagical birtheditThe term by which Abhinavagupta himself defines his origin is yoginbh, born of a yogin. In Kashmir Shaivism and especially in Kaula it is considered that a progeny of parents established in the divine essence of Bhairava,2. Such a child is supposed to be the depository of knowledge, who even as a child in the womb, has the form of Shiva,1. ParentseditHis mother, Vimal Vimalakal died when Abhinavagupta was just two years old 2. The father, Narasiha Gupta, after his wifes death favoured an ascetic lifestyle, while raising his three children. He had a cultivated mind and a heart outstandingly adorned with devotion to Mahesvara Shiva2. Abhinavaguptas own words. He was Abhinavaguptas first teacher, instructing him in grammar, logic and literature. Dynatrace Client. Abhinavagupta had a brother and a sister. The brother, Manoratha, was a well versed devotee of Shiva. His sister, Amb probable name, according to Navjivan Rastogi, devoted herself to worship after the death of her husband in late life. Art Of Illusion Manual. His cousin Kara demonstrated even from his youth that he grasped the essence of aivism and was detached of the world. Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' title='Brahma Yamala Tantra Pdf' />His wife was presumably Abhinavaguptas older sister Amb,2. Amb and Kara had a son, Yogevaridatta, who was precociously talented in yoga2. Abhinavagupta also mentions his disciple Rmadeva as faithfully devoted to scriptural study and serving his master. Another cousin was Kema, possibly the same as Abhinavaguptas illustrious disciple Kemarja. Mandra, a childhood friend of Kara, was their host in a suburban residence he was not only rich and in possession of a pleasing personality, but also equally learned. And last but not least, Vatasik, Mandras aunt, who got a special mention from Abhinavagupta for caring for him with exceptional dedication and concern to express his gratitude, Abhinavagupta declared that Vatasik deserved the credit for the successful completion of his work. The emerging picture here is that Abhinavagupta lived in a nurturing and protected environment, where his creative energies got all the support they required. Everyone around him was filled with spiritual fervor and had taken Abhinavagupta as their spiritual master. Such a supporting group of family and friends was equally necessary as his personal qualities of genius, to complete a work of the magnitude of Tantrloka. AncestorseditBy Abhinavaguptas own account, his most remote known ancestor was called Atrigupta, born in Madhyadea Manusmirti circa 1. BC, 22. 1 defines the Madhyadesh region as vast plains between Himalaya and Vindhya mountains and to the east of the river Vinasana invisible Saraswati and to the west of Praya. Born in Madhyadea he travelled to Kashmir at the request of the king Lalitditya,3. CE. 3. 4MasterseditAbhinavagupta is famous for his voracious thirst of knowledge. To study he took many teachers as many as 1. He approached Vaiavas, Buddhists, iddhnta aivists and the Trika scholars. Among the most prominent of his teachers he enumerates four. Vmantha who instructed him in dualistic aivism3. Bhtirja in the dualistnondualist school. Besides being the teacher of the famous Abhinavagupta, Bhtirja was also the father of two eminent scholars. Lakmaagupta, a direct disciple of Utpaladeva, in the lineage of Trayambaka, was highly respected by Abhinavagupta and taught him all the schools of monistic thought Krama, Trika and Pratyabhija except Kula. Ardha trayambaka. This school is in fact Kaula, and it was emanated from Trayambakas daughter. For Abhinavagupta, ambhuntha was the most admired guru. Describing the greatness of his master, he compared ambhuntha with the Sun, in his power to dispel ignorance from the heart, and, in another place, with the Moon shining over the ocean of Trika knowledge. Abhinavagupta received Kaula initiation through ambhunthas wife acting as a dt or conduit. The energy of this initiation is transmitted and sublimated into the heart and finally into consciousness. Such a method is difficult but very rapid and is reserved for those who shed their mental limitations and are pure. It was ambhuntha who requested of him to write Tantrloka. As guru, he had a profound influence in the structure of Tantrloka3. Abhinavagupta. 4. As many as twelve more of his principal teachers are enumerated by name but without details. It is believed that Abhinavagupta had more secondary teachers. Moreover, during his life he had accumulated a large number of texts from which he quoted in his magnum opus, in his desire to create a synthetic, all inclusive system, where the contrasts of different scriptures could be resolved by integration into a superior perspective. LifestyleeditAbhinavagupta remained unmarried all his life,4. Kaula and as such, used his energy ojas, or internally sublimated semen as a vital force, a constant source of shakti to power the spiritual nervous system he outlined in his works. This system involves ritual union between Purusha as Shiva and shakti, yet this union is essentially non physical and universal, and thus for a master such as Abhinavagupta, he was always in communion with Shiva Shakti.