Comcast Self Provisioning Tool
Continues from forumreplies. Please take provider issues to their respective forum instead of posting here. What is the NVIDIA GPU Cloud Provisioning the hardware and software needed to develop and deploy machine learning neural networks and applications can be. InformationWeek. com News, analysis and research for business technology professionals, plus peertopeer knowledge sharing. Engage with our community. Open. Stack Wikipedia. Open. Stack is a free and open sourcesoftware platform for cloud computing, mostly deployed as infrastructure as a service Iaa. S, whereby virtual servers and other resources are made available to customers. The software platform consists of interrelated components that control diverse, multi vendor hardware pools of processing, storage, and networking resources throughout a data center. Users either manage it through a web based dashboard, through command line tools, or through RESTful web services. Hello everyone. I just had Bluesky installed a few hours ago. After playing with it, I thought I would let everyone know my thoughts both good and. Job Interview Practice Test Why Do You Want This Job Answer this job interview question to determine if you are prepared for a successful job interview. Open. Stack began in 2. Rackspace Hosting and NASA. As of 2. 01. 6update, it is managed by the Open. Comcast Self Provisioning Tool' title='Comcast Self Provisioning Tool' />Stack Foundation, a non profit corporate entity established in September 2. Open. Stack software and its community. More than 5. HistoryeditIn July 2. Where you see this symbol there is a presentation ready for download. Simply click the icon and the presentation will open in a new window ready for you to download. Your portal to Balboa CA, a small Southern California coastal peninsula town. Features about its colorful history and people. Balboa Cams bring you live local views. Rackspace Hosting and NASA jointly launched an open source cloud software initiative known as Open. Stack. 1. 6 The Open. Stack project intended to help organizations offer cloud computing services running on standard hardware. The communitys first official release, code named Austin, appeared three months later on October 2. The early code came from NASAs Nebula platform as well as from Rackspaces Cloud Files platform. The original cloud architecture was designed by the NASA Ames Web Manager, Megan A. Eskey1. 8, and was a 2. Yu Gi Oh Card Maker Download Mac. Open. NASA v. 2. 01. The cloud stack and open stack modules were merged and released as open source by the NASA Nebula2. Rackspace. In 2. 01. Ubuntu Linux distribution adopted Open. Stack2. 1 with an unsupported technology preview of the Open. Stack Bexar release for Ubuntu 1. Natty Narwhal. 2. Ubuntus sponsor Canonical then introduced full support for Open. Stack clouds, starting with Open. Stacks Cactus release. Open. Stack became available in Debian Sid from the Openstack Cactus release in 2. Debian including Open. Stack was Debian 7. Wheezy, including Open. Stack 2. 01. 2. 1 code name Essex. In October 2. 01. SUSE announced the public preview of the industrys first fully configured Open. Stack powered appliance based on the Diablo Open. Stack release. 2. In August 2. 01. 2, SUSE announced its commercially supported enterprise Open. Stack distribution based on the Essex release. In November 2. 01. The UKs Government Digital Service GDS launched Inside Government2. Open. NASA v. 2. 0 Government as a Platform Gaa. P model. Lew Tucker, VP CTO, Cloud Computing of Cisco in 2. In 2. 01. 2, Red Hat announced a preview of their Open. Stack distribution,2. Essex release. After another preview release, Red Hat introduced commercial support for Open. Stack with the Grizzly release, in July 2. In July 2. 01. 3, NASA released an internal audit citing lack of technical progress and other factors as the agencys primary reason for dropping out as an active developer of the project and instead focus on the use of public clouds. This report is contradicted in part by remarks made by Ames Research Center CIO, Ray Obrien. In December 2. 01. Oracle announced it had joined Open. Stack as a Sponsor and planned to bring Open. Stack to Oracle Solaris, Oracle Linux, and many of its products. It followed by announcing Oracle Open. Stack distributions for Oracle Solaris3. Oracle Linux using Icehouse on 2. September 2. 01. 4. In May 2. 01. 4, HP announced HP Helion and released a preview of HP Helion Open. Stack Community, beginning with the Ice. House release. HP has operated HP Helion Public Cloud on Open. Stack since 2. 01. At the 2. 01. 4 Interop and Tech Field Day, software defined networking was demonstrated by Avaya using Shortest path bridging and Open. Stack as an automated campus, extending automation from the data center to the end device, removing manual provisioning from service delivery. As of March 2. 01. NASA still makes use of Open. Stack private cloud3. RFPs out for Open. Stack public cloud support. In 2. 01. 6, the UK topped the UNs e. Gov rankings4. 1. Open. Stack developmenteditThe Open. Stack community collaborates around a six month, time based release cycle with frequent development milestones. During the planning phase of each release, the community gathers for an Open. Stack Design Summit to facilitate developer working sessions and to assemble plans. Recent Open. Stack Summits have taken place in Boston on 8 1. May 2. 01. 74. 4, Austin on 2. April 2. 01. 6,4. Barcelona on 2. 52. October 2. 01. 6. Earlier Open. Stack Summits have taken place also in Tokyo in October 2. Vancouver in May 2. Paris in November 2. The summit in May 2. Atlanta drew 4,5. Hong Kong summit six months earlier. ComponentseditOpen. Stack has a modular architecture with various code names for its components. Compute NovaeditOpen. Stack Compute Nova is a cloud computing fabric controller, which is the main part of an Iaa. S system. It is designed to manage and automate pools of computer resources and can work with widely available virtualization technologies, as well as bare metal and high performance computing HPC configurations. KVM, VMware, and Xen are available choices for hypervisor technology virtual machine monitor, together with Hyper V and Linux container technology such as LXC. It is written in Python and uses many external libraries such as Eventlet for concurrent programming, Kombu for AMQP communication, and SQLAlchemy for database access. Computes architecture is designed to scale horizontally on standard hardware with no proprietary hardware or software requirements and provide the ability to integrate with legacy systems and third party technologies. Due to its widespread integration into enterprise level infrastructures, monitoring Open. Stack performance in general, and Nova performance in particular, at scale has become an increasingly important issue. Monitoring end to end performance requires tracking metrics from Nova, Keystone, Neutron, Cinder, Swift and other services, in addition to monitoring Rabbit. MQ which is used by Open. Stack services for message passing. All these services generate their own log files, which, especially in enterprise level infrastructures, also should be monitored. Networking NeutroneditOpen. Stack Networking Neutron is a system for managing networks and IP addresses. Open. Stack Networking ensures the network is not a bottleneck or limiting factor in a cloud deployment,citation needed and gives users self service ability, even over network configurations. Open. Stack Networking provides networking models for different applications or user groups. Standard models include flat networks or VLANs that separate servers and traffic. Open. Stack Networking manages IP addresses, allowing for dedicated static IP addresses or DHCP. Floating IP addresses let traffic be dynamically rerouted to any resources in the IT infrastructure, so users can redirect traffic during maintenance or in case of a failure. Users can create their own networks, control traffic, and connect servers and devices to one or more networks. Administrators can use software defined networking SDN technologies like Open. Flow to support high levels of multi tenancy and massive scale. Open. Stack networking provides an extension framework that can deploy and manage additional network servicessuch as intrusion detection systems IDS, load balancing, firewalls, and virtual private networks VPN. Block storage CindereditOpen. Stack Block Storage Cinder provides persistent block level storage devices for use with Open. Useful Tools for Agile Dev. Ops. There are two main reasons for infrastructure automation. First, system administrators, IT professionals and Dev. Ops engineers need to automate as many routine tasks as possible. Thats why we build tools at Stackify to help developers automate processes like application performance management, error monitoring, and log management automation means you have more time for mission critical tasks. Second, automation makes the management of complex, diverse environments possible and allows rapid scaling. Whether you are using a public cloud, private cloud or hybrid cloud, infrastructure automation tools will come in handy. The following is a look at the 5. Ansibleansible. Ansible is a relatively simple infrastructure automation engine that automates application deployment, configuration management, cloud provisioning and intra service orchestration. It has hundreds of modules that ensure the support of multiple integrations including Google Cloud Platform, Amazon Web Services, Splunk, and Net. App. Ansible allows you to centralize your infrastructure through a role based permissions, job scheduling, and a visual dashboard. Key Features Designed for multi tier deployments. Uses simple language that approaches everyday English. Does not require additional security infrastructure. Pricing Ansible Tower Self Support Ideal for smaller deployments. Costs 5,0. 00 a year for up to 1. Ansible Tower Enterprise Perfect for Enterprises and includes 8to. Costs 1. 0,0. 00 per annum for up to 1. Contact for a price quote if more than 1. Ansible Tower Premium Best for mission critical Dev. Ops and provides 2. Contact for a price quote if more than 1. Appcoreappcore. Appcore is a comprehensive cloud management tool that simplifies resource management, automated provisioning, and cloud infrastructure configuration. Key Features Simple user interface provides an insightful view of the cloud. Functionality that ensures true on demand capability. Provides telemetry and event data for both virtual and physical devices. Pricing Request a quote. Automatenetauto. Automate delivers desktop and server automation that builds on years of experience across thousands of customers. It integrates with cloud based and virtual computing environments and is both flexible and cost friendly. It makes easy work of schedule management, trigger management, and task scheduling. Key Features Dynamic, drag and drop and easy to deploy tasks. Friendly interface. Multi document support, efficient action search, stack viewer support. Event driven task triggering. Pricing Automate Trial Version Free expires after 3. Automate Premium Request a quote. Bcfg. 2Bcfg. 2 allows system administrators to create verifiable, reproducible and consistent descriptions of their infrastructure environment. It has reporting and visualization tools to support everyday administrative tasks. Key Features Runs on multiple environments including Mac OS X, Solaris, Free. 3D Max 64 Bit Download Crack Pes. BSD, AIX, and Ubuntu. Allows a clients response to provide an objective assessment of a specification completeness. Facilitates manual system modification. Enables complex deployment and change management strategies. Pricing Free. Blade. Logic Server Automationbmcsoftware. Blade. Logic Server Automation eases the speedy and secure provision, configuration, patching and maintenance of cloud, virtual and physical servers. Key Features Integrates access control and pre configured policies for SCAP, NIST, SOX, PCI, HIPAA, DISA and CIS, remediation and documentation. Supports automated installs as well as template based, script based and image based provisioning. Manage configuration and change activities across a wide range of server environments using a single tool. Multi dashboard views. Embed maintenance window recommendations to ensure timely patching. Pricing Request a quote. CA Technologies AutomationCAInc. CAs automation solutions simplify and accelerate the transition from manual to automated service delivery. It ensures full capability across both physical and virtual infrastructure, services and applications. The automation drives innovation, reduces costs and speeds up business processes. Key Features Intelligent technological automation that adapts to ever changing business requirements. Accelerate and streamline transition to the cloud. Exceptional control, visibility, productivity and speed. Industry tested scalability to manage complex workloads. Continuous compliance via automated configuration error remediation. Pricing Request a quote. CFEnginecfengine. One of the oldest configuration engines in the market, CFEngine was first rolled out in 1. It automates complex, large scale and mission critical infrastructure. Global changes are made consistently and securely while ensuring compliance. It is used by major brands including Intel, Linked. In, Panasonic, Samsung, Chevron, Comcast and Deutsche Telekom. Key Features Written in C which ensures one of the leanest and fastest executing tools available. A configuration change can be deployed across 5. Stable, mature solution tested in a diverse range of large enterprise environments. Compliance reports and real time dashboard. Encrypted communication. Pricing CFEngine Community Edition Free Includes compliance reporting function. CFEngine Enterprise Edition Request a quote The Community Edition plus support and a graphical user interface. Chefchef. Chef is one of oldest and best known infrastructure automation tools out there. It scales easily and can be used to manage 5 servers or 5,0. It facilitates continuous delivery and configuration management. By converting infrastructure to code, Chef enables IT professionals and cloud engineers to automate the building, deployment, and management of infrastructure. Key Features Automation of tasks by employing reusable definitions. You can use the predefined resources as building blocks or define your own. Test code on a local workstation or isolated environment before deploying into production. Automated testing for security and compliance. Dashboards for infrastructure management, auditing, and troubleshooting. Pricing Chef Basics Free. Comes with Chef Server, Client and Development Kit, Supermarket Content and 8 to 5 support for the first 3. Hosted Chef 7. Chef Basics plus Chef Server hosting services, Supported Content, High Availability and unlimited 8 5 support. Chef Automate 1. Hosted Chef plus workflow, compliance, visibility and 2. Cirbacirba. Cirba provides several options for cloud environment integration, routing automation, densification, and reservation. It enables smart, automated demand management whether through the analysis of existing applications or integration with third party portals. Key Features Provides complete picture of the network, storage and compute resources available including current workloads. Allows balancing of resources to meet service levels, and match compliance requirements. Multidimensional analysis to ensure capacity reservation and accurate forecasting. Pricing Request a quote. Cisco Intelligent Automation for CloudCisco. SP3. 60. Cisco Intelligent Automation for Cloud delivers operational efficiency, responsiveness, speed and user satisfaction. Whereas this solution blends well with other Cisco products and technological solutions, it can be integrated into an enterprises existing non Cisco infrastructure, systems, operational processes and service management tools.