A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File
Why Is The ADL Promoting Alex Jones Alex Jones Articles. WHY IS THE ADLPROMOTING ALEX JONES By Brother Nathanael Kapner, Copyright 2. Articles May Be Reproduced Only With Authorship of Br Nathanael Kapner Link To Real Jew NewsSMSupport Brother Nathanael HEREOr Send Your Contribution To Brother Nathanael Kapner PO Box 5. Priest River ID 8. E mail bronathanaelyahoo. For The Best. Alternative News. CLICK Rense. com. HereTHE ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUES RECENT BLASTat radio conspiracy patriot maven, Alex Jones, appears to be more AND less than it seems upon closer examination and rational consideration. That world Zionism is the center of evil on the planet is beyond any rational dispute. From AIPAC and the ADL to the bogus Southern Poverty Law Center to Bnai Brith, Zionism is the most ruthless geopolitical thermonuclear Israel, financial and political force in the United Statesand much of the world. Even a rudimentary understanding of the Wall Street bankster machine, and the beyond corrupt Federal Reserve, reveals the overwhelming power of Zionism which ultimately traces back to the City of London banking center, and the Rothschilds. As David Icke succinctly puts it, Zionism is the Elephant in the Controllers Board Room that only Zionist deniers, de facto agents and Zionist apologists pretend isnt there and wont mention. The premiere Zionist enforcement agency in America, the ADL, often runs hit pieces on people it tries to smear as anti semites or anti Israel and so forth. These pieces are usually vicious in tone and replete with baseless slanders and smears of the targeted individuals. Brother Nathanael is described by the ADL as a rabid anti Semite. However, when was the last time you saw an ADL Zionist hit piece targeting someone who virtually never even mentions Zionism or makes anti Zionist statementsThat question is vitalas you consider the following material. A recent investigative piece by Lorie Kramer uncovered an apparent clear link between Zionism and the Zionist Bronfman family of North America, and alternative talk show host Alex Jones. Asio Fx Processor Levels here. Kramers research showed that Holly Bronfmans attorney just happens to be Jones personal attorney. A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' title='A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' />Coincidence From that discovery it is not hard to project why Mr. Jones avoids even the mention of Zionism unless put into a corner. Read Entire Kramer Story. Here, Here Here. Opposition to Catholicism, New Age, Judaism, paganism, atheism, Buddhism, the unsaved, and versions of the Bible other than the King James. THE ANTI DEFAMATION LEAGUES RECENT BLAST at radio conspiracy patriot maven, Alex Jones, appears to be more AND less than it seems upon closer. Download in. PDF file here. Over 360 prophecies foretold JesusYeshua as the Jewish Messiah Mashiach ben David. SELECT RADIOTVCONFERENCE TALKS for full list or instructions on best way to listen, go to Audio page. Essays that we feel exhibit hatred or proposes discrimination against others on the basis of their gender, race, skin color, sexual orientation, gender identity. Why Jews Dont Believe In Jesus, why Jews reject Jesus,why the jews dont believe in Jesus. Written By C. Sapir, You can read part 1 here. You can read part 2 here. Ben and I hosted numerous Shabbos guests, many of whom were just discovering Yiddishkeit, and. I/51e5FOZ9P7L.jpg' alt='A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' title='A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' />In one of his most infamous Zionist coverup statements, Jones stated Hollywood Is Owned By The Arabs The Arabs Own Everything That stunning statement simply shattered the credibility meter. Its simply a matter of connecting the dots. Many have noticed and even die hard fans have been perplexed for years over Jones refusing to discuss the elephant in the board room on his radio show. He simply will not criticize or even mention World Zionism except in passingand very infrequently at that. I/51lYqSjRlvL.jpg' alt='A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' title='A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' />Facts are facts. Therefore, when the ADL blasts someone in the media who does not mention Zionism, or the Israel Lobby, or Zionist Jews, one has to start digging a little deeper and thinking of who ultimately benefits from such an ADL attack. Jones, jumping on the opportunity as planned at some level pointed to the ADL hit piece story on one of his sites and masterfully presented an editorial rebuttal to it, which was about how the ADL had ruthlessly attacked Americas most highly visible patriot talk show host. In a deft attempt to underscore the ADL piece as a personal attack on Jones as if he were a true enemy of Zionism the Jones sites responsive editorial blasted back at the ADL piece as if it had damaged him severely. However, once again, the term Zionism never appeared. Connect the dots again. Jones is, in reality, anything but a patriot martyr out to expose the Zionist Jewish agenda and its malignant hold on our Republic. The ADL article actually reads more like a promo for Jones than a personal attack as evidenced by even just two excerpts Jones runs a syndicated radio show, The Alex Jones Show, which is broadcast on AM and FM stations. Jones also operates two popular Web sites, Infowars and Prison Planet, and appears on a cable access television show. Remember, this is supposed to be a savage hit piece on JonesAfter the election of Obama, Jones developed ties to mainstream media outlets such as the FOX News Network. In March 2. 00. 9, Jones appeared on the FOX News program Freedom Watch which allowed him to simulcast the show over his radio program. Reads like a publicity releasewhich is really, essentially, exactly what the ADL piece is. Read The Entire ADL Story. Here. JONES HOME RADIO SHOWSPRESENTED BY ZIONIST JEWISH MEDIAEVERY SUNDAY AFTERNOON when most Christians are in Church but when Jews are working Alex Jones does a syndicated and internet based show from his home studio for KLBJ 5. AM Alex Jones brings his unique perspective to the KLBJ team from 4 0. Who, exactly, is the KLBJ teams owner In fact, KLBJ AM is owned by Emmis Communications, Emmis is the Hebrew word for truth, which operates radio stations in the nations largest markets, including New York City, Los Angeles, and Chicago. The Founder and CEO of Emmis Communications just happens to be a well connected Jewish American broadcast mini mogul named Jeffrey H. A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' title='A Rabbi Talks With Jesus Pdf File' />Smulyan the kind of Jewish American who would doubtless have strong allegiance to Zionist Jewish organizations like the ADL and whom the ADL likes to support in return. With a Doctorate Law degree from the University of Southern California School of Law and a subsequent Tree of Life Award from the Jewish National Fund, Smulyan has just the right credentials to rub shoulders with one of the JNFs financial recipients, the ADL. In 1. 99. 4, Smulyan was tabbed by The White House to head the U. S. Delegation to the Plenipotentiary Conference of the International Telecommunications Union. As a U. S. ambassador, Smulyan negotiated an agreement between Israel and the PLO which has since hit the trash bin due to Zionist Israels ongoing genocide and ethnic cleansing of Palestinians. In 2. 00. 5, boasts Smulyan on his Website, Emmis Communications was named one of Fortune magazines 1. Best Companies to Work For. Smulyan does not mention that Fortune is owned by the Canadian Jew, Edgar Bronfman Jr. Time Warner, who has a professional alliance with Emmis Communications. Apparently, Alex Jones ALSO LIKES to work for Emmis and KNOWS very well, indeed, how to keep his mouth shut when it comes to singling out Zionists and Jewish lobbyists when broadcasting for Smulyans KBLJ radio. View Entire Story. Here Here. EVERY SATURDAY EVENINGwhen Jews are feasting on their Erev Shabbat Sabbath meal, Jewish owned satellite radio Sirius Network, beams out Jones muddled message on its XM radio station from 6 0. PM to 9 0. 0 PM. The Sirius XM Radio Network is owned by the American Jew, Mel Karmazin, CEO and managed by the Jews, Scott Greenstein, President David Frear, Chief Financial Officer and Eddy Hartenstein, Chairman of the Board. Connect the dots. Zionism is king. Before his July 2. Sirius, Jones was railing against Sirius XM radio for featuring no planner Paula Gloria on Sirius Howard Stern slot. Why did Jones suddenly change his mind Could it be money, lots of Zionist money ADL promoted radio talk show hosts. A STUNNER FROM THE JERUSALEM POSTJONES SALARY PAID BY THE JEW MEDIAJones Called Jewish Medias Rebbe By Jerusalem Post. Beyond BT Spiritual Growth for Jews. Rav Itamar Shwarz, the author of the Bilvavi Mishkan Evneh. Download a number of Drashos on Elul. The days of Elul are here, and a new year is before us, approaching. There is no Jewish soul during these days who isnt inspired at least on a minimal level. Every Jew has some feeling, at least a tiny feeling, to do teshuvah repentance, to change. Let us try to understand a bit more about this matter, so that we can have a clearer and deeper understanding of it. Everyone has many things in his life that he wants. A husband wants his wife to be a good wife to him, a wife wants to have a good husband, and they both want good children, good health, ample livelihood, and a comfortable home. Each person has many more things to add onto this list as well. Now lets come to a person and ask him Now that youve listed all these things that you want, from all of these 5. Theres a saying in Israel going around, HaIkar, Berius The main thing, is health. A 2. Only when people get older do they start to worry about their health. And if they have good health, what, then, do people think about Happiness. The truth is, however, that even if a person would have both complete health and happiness, he would be in a lot of danger spiritually speaking. Why Because he would grow complacent and feel, I have everythingEvery person, as we said, has many desires. But what is the main thing that a person wants in life One needs to think about this at times. Its possible for a person to live 7. What is the thing I truly want, more than anything, in my lifeOf course, a person might give a quick answer to this. But it wont be truthful. It is not a question that you can answer so quickly. It needs more than half a years worth of time to answer If Elijah the Prophet would reveal himself to a person and say to him Hashem has decreed that whatever you asked for, will happen. You can now ask one thing, as in the verse One thing I seek from Hashem, that is which I sought what would a person ask That his oldest daughter should become engagedThat the bank shouldnt put his house in foreclosure What would a person ask for As long as a person hasnt yet thought about this, he remains unclear about the main point of life. If he is unclear about it, he is like a person who has many important businesses yet he is unaware of what his main one is. He will invest most of his money in the businesses that are less important, and the main business will be financially neglected for the most part. His main business will surely fail with this approach clear and simple. So a person first needs to become clear what the main point of life is that he is living for. The question is How much is a person willing to invest, in order to figure out what he truly wants in life When a person goes for a blood test and the results dont come back good, he goes back for more blood tests, until they tell him, We see that something here is abnormal. But we dont know exactly what it is. Maybe go to a certain doctor for this, Dr. X. He is an expert and he will almost definitely know what the problem is. In such a situation, a person would be prepared to spend much money in order to find out what the illness is in his body. It is directly affecting his health and his entire life. Now How much is a person willing to invest in knowing what he truly wants in life If a person is sure that his main interest in life is money, a nice house, a nice car, or getting lots of honor, then he also has a problem to deal with. It is clear that such a person is living for a purpose that is clearly not the purpose of life, and he will have to deal with this problem. The first thing, then, that a person needs to do, is to try to figure out to himself what the main thing is that he wants in life. After that he can begin to understand on what level his Avodas Hashem is. Before a person figures this out, chances are that he is living in a totally delusional realm. He might be a person who has regularly fixed times for learning Torah, for an hour at night or more he might regularly give tzedakah and try to be a baal chessed and to host guests, and many other wonderful things. But what does he really want in life It is not tzedakah, hosting guests, or the hour of learning Torah he has every night. Those things rank at either 9, 1. I want. What is the main point in life that a person wants more than anything elseA Big Surprise About The Reward In The World To Come. We all Baruch Hashem do the mitzvos, for the most part. We make effort to daven, to put on tefillin, to wear tallis and tzitzis, to keep Shabbos, etc. What will be our reward for all of this We will be paid back with spiritual reward. But if a person doesnt care too much for the spiritual, he cant enjoy the reward for all his mitzvosHe will come upstairs to the High Heavenly Court and there is nothing physical there, only spirituality. But that is not what he wants, so he will remain there with nothing. If a person wanted a nice car more than anything else, after 1. Here is payment for all of the millions of mitzvos that you did. Here is your greatest wish the new car which came out this year. Understandably, he will not want to get into that car, realizing that he has lost his entire spiritual reward This is what is meant in the verse, A man according to his praise. This is not some kind of joke, and it is not a mere thought of mussar. If anyone is working at a job and he finds out that he will not get paid at the end of the month, what would he do What happens if a person finds out after 7. Does anyone have a guaranteed insurance in the World To Come that he will get paid for all the mitzvos he did Compare this to a child who did something good, so his father buys him a new car as a gift. What can the child do with the car Only after 1. Right now, he cant do anything with the car. Hashem is loyal to pay back anyone with reward, but who says that the person when he gets upstairs will be able to use the reward that was given to him Imagine a person who works for someone for a month and then at the end of the month, he is given a pair of glasses as his payment. He doesnt need glasses, he can see quite fine. This is not considered payment to him, because he doesnt need the glasses. We all Baruch Hashem make effort to do the right actions, each person on his own level. But is it clear to any of us what we want If a person wanted what they will give to him in the Next World, he can enjoy it as reward. But if this isnt what he really wanted in his life, he cannot enjoy his reward in Heaven, because this is not what he wanted. Chas vshalom, it can be the realization of the verse, He pays back his enemies. Knowing What You Really Want In Life. Every person needs to figure out for himself if Hashem is satisfied with his actions or not, and this is a very important issue to know. But that is a second question to know. The first question one needs to answer for himself is What do I want from myselfHere is an example from the physical world to illustrate what we mean. Sometimes there is a boy who is 1. To our chagrin, his parents do not really understand his soul and what he really needs, and what his true interests are. A year goes by and he still hasnt decided what he wants to do with his life perhaps he has some options now, but he hasnt yet decided.